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jenkins pipeline manual approval

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jenkins pipeline input step

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16 Oct 2016 lock - the lock step throttles the number of concurrent builds in a defined Beginning with version 2.2 of "Pipeline Stage Step" plugin, the stage step . stage does not limit concurrency but requires manual input // from a user.
27 Jun 2017 Yes: Only the most recent successful builds displayed on the view will have a manual trigger button for the next build in the pipeline.
This step pauses Pipeline execution and allows the user to interact and control trigger the job on all selected nodes except on the ones currently manually
27 Jun 2016 The Jenkins Pipeline plugin is a game changer for Jenkins users. it is an incredibly powerful way to develop complex, multi-step DevOps pipelines. pipeline execution to wait for an approval - either automated or manual.
1 Nov 2016 Your first Jenkins pipeline with manual interaction In this step we will add a manual interaction to approve the deployment. Here are the steps
5 May 2016 input is the option you are looking for. Here is the way I'm using it. It's important to have the step outside a node, otherwise jenkins will hold an
2 Aug 2017 From the documentation that you linked to, there's a submitter parameter where you can specify the allowed users/external groups allowed to
19 Jan 2017 In this post, we'll take a look at how we might converting Freestyle jobs that include conditional build steps to Jenkins Pipeline. Unlike Freestyle
29 Sep 2017 Issue How do I add an input step, with timeout, that continues if timeout is reached, … nput-step/
This is a huge gap in the Jenkins Pipeline capabilities IMO. Definitely hard to provide due to the fact that a pipeline is a single job. One solution
